Sunday, March 13, 2011

Figure 8 Teaser

Nothing like some fish pron to get the juices flowing and get me back to the vice for the last few weeks of preseason tying, Some Minnesota musky footage from Luke Kavajecz on vimeo...

Figure 8 Tease from luke Kavajecz on Vimeo.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Local Flavor: Gerttrude the Steelhead Slayer!

I had the opportunity to talk to a local steelhead guide on Tuesday, and the topic of Musky on the tribs came up. He related a story of watching a near 50" musky slaying skipper steelhead on the lower reacehs of one of our rivers. So basically every spring some fat slob of a ski is sucking down twenty inch trout like potato chips. She is (And it is a her no doubt about it) is that corpulent woman slaying the local buffet in her moo moo, probably goes by the name Gertrude. Shes sitting in some abyss sized hole filleting trout by the pound as they ascend the stream. The whole time this is going on.....she never loses that grin that is so full of razors and malice.

Gotta come up with a juvy steelhead pattern!!!

I think a float is in order.

Fatty Flashbutt Streamers

Some early season mini flies. Each are approximately 7" in length and hopefully they'll produce a follow or take. Basically a mixture of high tied angel hair and hollow tied deer hair filled in with some marabou and flashabou.

They're a mixture between the Charlies Musky Angel streamer and a Bohen fly. I like the movement and flash provided in the rump of the fly, and the bulk without weight of the front end.